The Universal church is that general church of the whole congregation of the called-out believers, that make up of the Body of Christ, “The People of God.” as opposed to the local church, a congregation of believers meeting together for fellowship at a particular locale having a set of agreed beliefs and dogmas.
There are several forms the unity of the church can take even though generally unity of the universal church is desired and agreed. Four common forms are practiced; the first being “Mutual Recognition and Fellowship.” This is the most basic low-level of unity, recognizing each other as legitimate parts of the family of God, cooperating whenever in evangelistic crusades and fellowshipping whenever possible on an ad hoc basis.
The second level is “Conciliar Unity” when churches have organizational alliances to achieve their common purposes. They band together into council or association of churches. This is basically a cooperative fellowship while each church still retains its own identity. The unity is visible as well as spiritual.
The final type of unity is “Organic Unity” in which there is an actual creation of one organization in which separate identities are surrendered. Membership and ordination are joined.
I think the best form of unity that is Biblical is the “Conciliar Unity” as the Bible allows for variety as long as they stay with the Bible. The different denominations do not feel threaten when coming together to fellowship and cooperate in evangelistic efforts, fulfilling the functions of the church.
Conciliar Unity seem best suit the church as a whole, where each individual(body) can function to the very best in meeting the objective and goal of the universal church. In regards to that, how about other churches in smaller and rural geographical area contribute in?
If these churches can survive and grow then the need of Conciliar Unity seem not that significant. That's my point of view. Thanks.
Dear Jerome, Thank you for your supportr of this view.
Hi Jonathan,
Your understanding of the issue is good. I would like to ask your opinion on the 'Organic Unity'. Do you really believes there will come a time for the universal church able to express Christendom as of one faith to the world? The current state of many denominations having their dogmas and stand in their beliefs already created so many disputes that rendered non-Christians to questions the validity of Christ's gospel. Do you still think there is hope that we can profess Christian faith as compares to the Muslims declaration of unity in projecting their faith/belief?
Dear Jerome, you asked "how about other churches in smaller and rural geographical area contribute in?" I think they can contribute to those other churches that are around I believe. In fact, in a small geographical area, all the more the local churches should unite and help each other out.
Dear Bro. Freddie,
Thanks for your comments. Yes, If Jesus prayer in John 17 is true, then it will have to come about that there will be an organic unity of the church in the end. Some efforts towards this is happening in the 4th Wave of the Holy Spirit where Evangelicals and Charismatics are coming together not only physically but also in doctrine. I believe that organic unity is possible when Christian people focus more on love than doctrine.
Hi Jonathan... just to share one thought. Jesus did mention that when He is lifted up that He will draw all men to Himself. When we lift Him up and not any other thing like doctrines, creeds, denominations, or even good works that it will bring conviction to people and draw them to Christ. It is on the basis of Christian loving one another through abiding in Him and His love that unity is possible. Someone said that our union with the Lord is the basis of our union with one another. I think get we need to get the sequence right. It is not the other way around.
Hi Bro Johnathan,
As Christian, I see that we need to promote unity and oneness among us. In this way we can show the world that we are united. There is plenty of confusion out there among unbelivers because they don't understand why there is so many denomination and why we can't have only one Church. How do you think we should explain to them?
dear jonathan, i agree with you about different denomination coming togather for common purpose without fear. why are your views on my blog is otherwise. GB
Hi Brother Jonathan,
Quick question: How can you say the churches should focus more on love than on doctrine when the source of the Christian understanding of love comes from doctrine?
I can't help but feel that the general view is that we should put aside doctrine (denominational differences) for the sake of unity. Is unity really more important than the correct interpretation of God's word? The reason we are pushing for unity in the first place is because we believe (by our doctrine) that we must be united. So now which is more important? Doctrine or unity?
Dear Jonathan,
You are correct ,the conciliar form of church unity is the only feasible form for the moment for churches to come together and work and evangelize without having to compromise their doctrinal beliefs.
Hi Jonathan,
I trust you have already log in to Raymond's blog. I also agreed with his stand on conciliar-form of Chruch unity. As to your reply to my previous comment, I foresee the organic means might not be realized unless a super-natural intervention from God. The apostles and the early church fathers had tried for ages but to no avail, how much more for us. But having to see the Muslims can achieved theirs by attending different Mosque each Friday without worries of different dogmas, how I wish the common Christians can be allowed to do the same. Nevertheless, let us not lose-heart.
Dear Freddie, Thanks for your further comments. The unity that the Muslims display is at best organic but not in the spirit. See how the Shiite and the Sunni Muslims are killing each other. after I visited the Grand Mosque in Lahore , Pakistan, I read in the local newspaper the following day as many as 100 Muslims were killed by their brothers. We rather have spiritual unity and maintain conciliar unity until the Second Advent!
Hi Bro Jonathan,
I beleive that Christian should come together and work as one. So that our nity will shine forth to the world.
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