The English word "church" has various meanings. Webster gives the following definitions for the word church.
1. a building for public Christian worship. 2. a religious service in such a building. 3. (sometimes cap.) a. the world body of Christian believers; Christendom. b. any major division of his body; a Christian denomination. 4. a Christian congregation. 5. organized religion as distinguished from the state. 6. (cap) a. The Christian before the reformation. b. the Roman Catholic Church. 7. the profession of an ecclesiastic -V.C. 8. to perform a church service of thanksgiving for (a woman after child birth). [Go RI(a)on (DOA) the Lord's house).(1)
The Bible uses a few metaphors to represent the church. One of these metaphor is "the People of God".
The term "People of God" was first used in the Old Testament to the nation of Israel in covenant with God. (Exodus 15:13,16)
Paul wrote that it was God's decision to make believers His people:
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people.”
(2 Corinthians 6:16, NKJV)
Millard J. Erickson says that "the concept of the church as the people of God emphasizes God's initiative in choosing them. He did not adopt an existing nation, but actually created a people for Himself."(2)God takes pride in the "people" He calls to be His own, He cares for and protects His people; he keeps them "as the apple of his eye" (Deut.32:10) and God expects His people to be holy.
This creates a problem for us. Is the church today the continuation of the Old Testament "People of God." or are we a totally new entity separate and displaced the OT "people of God"? Please comment!
1.Webster's Universal College Dictionary (New York: Gramercy, 1997), p. 143.
2. Millard J. Erickson, "Christian Theology", 2nd Edition, (U.S.A.:Baker Publishing, 2005), 1045.
God's divine initiative to create a community of Christian deemed to be the "people of God". What does being "People of God means". If God is the creator, aren't ordinary people, "People of God". How are they different? What make the people in Church so different?
God being the creator of the universe, even human are created by him and for him. If the Christian "the called out one" consider people of God, how about the non-believers, are they created by God? If yes, are they consider the people of God? Why God created all people, but not all are consider his?
Dear friends, tq for your valuable comments. Not all created people are automatically he people of God like not everyone is automatically believers. Each one must make a decision to be the "called out ones" or else they still remain outside the "community" of the "people of God." JT
the church should be rightfully translated "an assembly of the called-out ones."
What do you mean in your reply to lyc that each person must make the decision to be called out to be known as the church.. ???
any scriptural backing.
I though it was by faith that we are saved.. yes we make the decision to accept Jesus and turn from sins.. but not to be called out. I am familiar with the sinner's prayer but not a called-out prayer... Please explain in more detail.
I've only made the decision to follow christ... so am i part of the church??? oh NO.. i've not made the decision to be "called out".... what should i do?????
What do you mean by making a decision to be the "called out ones" please elaborate in details. For a non-believer to accept Christ, they only need to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior but not "called out ones".
Ordinary people created by God are also potentially "People of God" if they hearken to the voice of God and make a decision for Christ. What is different with the ordinary people is that they are like us fallen people since the first man "Adam" sinned. That's why it is a mystery that Gentile can be also be included in the "People of God" if they repent and believe in Christ!
Very good and well prepared & presented post Jonathan. Respect. You've made your points and all. I like. Keep it coming.
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